29 OCT 2014 by ideonexus
How to Argue with a Creationist
Nye did not win, because he was fighting the wrong war. Nye argued like a scientist. He presented the evidence, gave logical explanations, and generally relied on demonstrable facts. He did a flawless job, but changed absolutely no-one's mind, because anyone who cares about science, reason and evidence already accepts evolution. Ham didn't even really argue. He just riled people up for a crusade - it was the evil liberal commie atheists trying to teach satan's lies, and him and his book of ...Don't use science, use religious rhetoric.
08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Replacing the Gold Standard with an Energy Standard
It has been suggested by an ingenious thinker that it is possible to use as a standard of monetary value no substance whatever, but instead, force, and that value might be measured in units of energy. An excellent development this, in theory, at any rate, of the general idea of the modern State as kinetic and not static; it throws the old idea of the social order and the new into the sharpest antithesis. The old order is presented as a system of institutions and classes ruled by men of substa...Folksonomies: economics
Folksonomies: economics
An interesting idea; however difficult to quantify. It does set monetary standards to something more practical than a rare metal or credit evaluations.